Why I Should Be A "BabySitter" Instead of a Teacher

- 7.5 hours a day
- 180 days a year
- 25 students a day
- $8 an hour per student
180 days x 7.5 a day = 1350 hours a year (nothing changes here from what I do now)1350 hours a yr x $8/hr = $10,800 a year per student (that seems like a lot of money, but it is the going rate) $10,800 x 25 students = $270,000 a year of income (that's a couple dollars more than I make now)I'll buy them lunch each day. Let's estimate $5 a day.$5 x 25 students = $125/day
$125/day x 180 days = $22,500/yr (more than I spend on food each decade now, but I have 25 more mouths to feed) $270,000 - $22,500 = $247,500 income (still a little more than I make as a teacher)If money was my motivation, I would have to ask - Why am I still teaching?
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