Podcast, Our First VIDEO
Library Lady & I created our first Video BookTalk. It is on our Cougar Paw'dCast page. Click here or here, or here...It all depends on proxy-blocking experiences as to which one will work.
You may need QuickTime.
ADDED on 10/21/2006
As a reflection of the experience of creating the VPC I noticed several things:
- It was not difficult.
- It did take time - though not as much as I anticipated.
- We need a "production area" in the MC. Not is a separate room, but secluded in the area we have. [Not the same as the Closed Circuit needs].
- We had a classroom of students in the MC when we taped. They were intrigued. It was like the Today Show - with people "eavesdropping" on our work.
- It was fun.
- If students or other teachers had something to say, this could be done by anyone.
- Getting the video from camera to my Mac was effortless with iMovie.
- Getting the video uploaded to the Internet (private account, Google Video, and embedded into the blog was easy (upload button - then copy and paste the code to the blog).
- After researching for about 30 minutes (at home), I figured out how to get the video as an iTunes automatic download through their Podcast subscription (free).
- I think I would do this as a classroom teacher at least weekly, to highlight the main point(s) of the units we study. It would take maybe three days of teaching students how to set up their iTunes / iPods to subscribe to the feed.
- I am learning about creating personal Channels on YouTube (Google just bought them for $1.65 billion) to see if students and faculty would/could become "friends" of the channel.