More on the Buffet
Tim Holt has started a great conversation here and here. Wes Fryer has picked it up too. So have numerous others as your read their comments.
In essence, the conversation is that middle-aged, white, males are dominating the edublogosphere. Moreover, they are the ones speaking at the conferences. Tim questions the small invitation list in that females, black, hispanics, and others do not seem to be getting a voice in the conversation. He does list a few who are with the "in crowd." Further, he asked readers to check their RSS feeds for the people they read. So I have. Here are my results.
I counted 91 blogs in my reader. I didn't count my own, or the basketball articles from newspapers, or my comics :^) Click the image for bigger picture.

Here are my thoughts. Yep, over half of the blogs I read are written by males. I read Miguel Guhlin, and he mentions in this conversation that he is hispanic. He is the only one I know of who fits this description.
Of the women, eight of them are from a different country, four from Australia - (library folks). I also realized how much I miss Kathy Sierra.
The 13 blogs with multiple contributors are libraries, DEN, Google, and technology related blogs.
So, at first glance, I think Tim is on to something important. I appreciate what Vicki Davis said about intentionally seeking leaders/bloggers who are "minorities" (I hate that term).
More to say, coming soon.
Labels: Kathy Sierra, Miguel Guhlin, Tim Holt, Vicki Davis, Wes Fryer